Positionsreport Technik
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Rolf Behnke DK4XI                                 

Camper  VW T5 Wingamm


Information email:
rolfbehnke (@) t-online.de

Information, improvements and criticism to the above address

Entries I make myself to avoid incorrect entries. Please ask for details such as photos etc to my email address!

> Positions for camping cars with the ICON RV automatically displays the data I take from the INTERNET, please send me pictures of the WOMO

> Positions of expeditions (ICON Jeep, etc) are not displayed in the normal case. Please send me a notification, I can change the position then release. Please also information such as name, picture and vehicle communicate.

> Positions of Winlink WOMO stations are not displayed. Please here is an info to me. I then unlock the call. Then the Winlinkstation appears as WOMO. Please also send here all the data to me.

Rolf DK4XI       rolfbehnke (@) t-online.de


See also: www.yachttrack.org

See also:  www.positionsreport.de

    Position report technique

The official APRS - ICON for a Camper is a:

Symbol    /R = RV i
  is a number 49 of the list  RECREATIONAL VEHICLE
From this we make a symbol motorhome:  

It still depends on the SSID -9

What is an RV?  =  RECREATIONAL VEHICLE   Link:   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recreational_vehicle

To German :    Wohnmobil   http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wohnmobil

Warning: Please note when entering symbol: / R = RV is a number 49 of the list RECREATIONAL VEHICLE

see:   APRS_Symbol_Chart.pdf


It still depends on the SSID -9


Updated 6 Feb  2012 to clarify the title of this document to be
                    SSID RECOMMENDATIONS not to imply any kind of 
                    decoding "standard".
-0 Your primary station usually fixed and message capable
-1 generic additional station, digi, mobile, wx, etc
-2 generic additional station, digi, mobile, wx, etc
-3 generic additional station, digi, mobile, wx, etc
-4 generic additional station, digi, mobile, wx, etc
-5 Other networks (Dstar, Iphones, Androids, Blackberry's etc)
-6 Special activity, Satellite ops, camping or 6 meters, etc
-7 walkie talkies, HT's or other human portable
-8 boats, sailboats, RV's or second main mobile
-9 Primary Mobile (usually message capable)
-10 internet, Igates, echolink, winlink, AVRS, APRN, etc
-11 balloons, aircraft, spacecraft, etc
-12 APRStt, DTMF, RFID, devices, one-way trackers*, etc
-13 Weather stations
-14 Truckers or generally full time drivers
-15 generic additional station, digi, mobile, wx, etc


APRS  info: here:   APRS.org  and hereAPRS DL

A) Camper sends automatically a position message are called "beacon text" * sent, as required by VHF 2m 144.800 MHz and text messages / messages. Content example "Standing in front of a beautiful bay Lefkas".

B) APRS Kurzwelle

Hier gibt es zwei Möglichleiten APRS Positionen zu senden:

a. mit StandartTracker wie TinyTrack usw.  siehe: Trackerhanbuch PDF

Ein Info findet man auch hier:  http://www.intermar-ev.de/Index.php?INTERMAR-Technik:INTERMAR-VHF:INTERMAR-APRS
allerdings nicht mehr aktuell , 20m Gate ist außer Betrieb, aber es gibt noch 30m Gates. (Rolf DK4XI)

b. Ideal bei Europa Touren und nach Afrika (zB Marokko)  ist RPR- APRS die ideale Möglichkeit Positionen zu senden. In den meisten Gebieten ist es dort nicht möglich via 2m UKW eine Pos abzusetzen. Deshalb wenn man auf Langfahrt ist, 2m APRS und KW-APRS mit RPR Tracker.

Mit RPR Tracker  siehe   http://www.robust-packet.net/

siehe auch die Seite von DK2EZ:   http://dk2ez.jimdo.com/

siehe auch: http://www.aprs-dl.de/?APRS_Detailwissen:APRS_auf_Kurzwelle:RPR-APRS

Händler:  http://www.thiecom.de/scs-tracker-dsp-tnc.html



80m RPR  HF-Gate  DK4XI-10 auf 3610Khz USB  24h qrv,  Antenne Lamda 1/4 & 125Stück Radial Lamda 1/2

Link:  http://www.db0anf.de/app/aprs/stations/digiusermap-DK4XI-10


C) PSKmail-APRS über Kurzwelle  10.147Khz USB

Camper sendet automatisch oder manuell via PSKmail-APRS Positionsreport auf den Frequenzen der PSKmail-Server. Zusätzlich Textmeldungen  auf 10.147KHz.

D)  Winlink  über Kurzwelle

Wir setzen das Winlinksignal (Positionsreport ) um und zeigen die WOMOs als WOMO-Symbol an.

Hier der Link zu Winlik http://www.winlink.org/

Eine gute Beschreibung findet man hier Rüdiger Hirsche DJ9UE  www.sy-kaya.de

E) Camper sends APRS via smartphone:  

  > APRSdroid for Android http://aprsdroid.org/



Campers sends automatically or manually via PSKmail APRS position report on the frequencies of PSKmail server. In addition, text messages on 10.147KHz.

See website www.pskmail.de

Old website with content from PSKmail.de: http://www.yachttrack.org/pskmail


  Motorhome - Amateur radio equipment

Net Links:

RV Service Net International

Link 1  http://rvsvcnet.wbcci.net/welcome/

Link 2  http://pacificrvservicenet.com/

Link3   http://rvradionetwork.com/

Link4:  http://rvradionetwork.com/

HAM Links:

Link1    http://trekin.digital-digs.net/

Link 2   http://k0bg.com/otrrv.html
